The Inka Empire — The True Legacy Pt.1

The Inka Empire
13 min readMar 30, 2023


The nature and people of Peru is that beautiful secret that is increasingly shared with the world. Heirs of a millenary culture and mystical citadels, who protect landscapes of stories, myths and legends. Fantastic creatures with wide smiles and hearts that have become guardians of their heritage and proud of their legacy.

But what legacy, what history?
Below, we will reveal one of the best kept secrets of the largest empire in pre-Columbian America (1529 A.D.). This story begins with a chronicle that will reveal the true heritage of an empire full of mysteries and legends, The Inka Empire.

Chronicle of the untold story of the Inka Empire.

“The True Legacy”

Ayar Manco, wake up. It is time, your people need you, it is time to open your eyes.

A very calm voice begins to repeat these words over and over again, until finally Ayar Manco opens his eyes.

  • ‘’Where am I?’’ — Ayar Manco asks.
  • ‘’You have been traveling unconscious for a long time, you entered a cave without knowing that it was the door to other dimensions.‘’— replies the voice very calmly.

Ayar Manco, incredulous, answers.

  • But… How is that possible?
  • You know better than anyone that everything is possible.’’ — replies the voice.

Ayar Manco gets up and realizes that he is no longer on earth. He is in a kind of wormhole, where he can see several constellations. Amazed, he loses his gaze among so many lights, until he recognizes the Andean Milky Way, known as “Hatun Mayu”, the great river. The people used it mainly for agricultural, astronomical and rainy season purposes. The Hatun Mayu is composed of the sidereal llama (Yakana or Qatachillay), the llama calf, the shepherd, the condor, the toad and the snake.

Suddenly, the snake goes straight to Ayar Manco and in the blink of an eye, he transforms into a kind of humanoid and a snake surrounding his body.

  • “I have had many names over time, but I will introduce myself as Tayta “Guardian of Time”, as I have been writing the history of the universes and their civilizations. I have known the ANNUNAKIS, LEMUREANS, MARTENIENSES and other civilizations. I have met all kinds of gods, but especially Wiracocha, your father,” said the mysterious being.

Ayar Manco, surprised, understands that this encounter is written, since his father, “Wiracocha”, told him different stories when he was little, but there was one that fascinated him and it was the one about “The Guardian of Time and the Gate of Aramu Muru”.

  • I know who you are, Tayta, my father used to tell me stories about you. You are a protector and you have come to take me home.

The Guardian of Time stares at him and answers.

  • Your father’s kingdom is in danger, I have not come to take you home, I have come to help you save it. Therefore, we must seek out and gather “The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays.”
  • The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays? — Ayar Manco asks.
  • That’s right. Your kingdom has fallen while you were asleep. Centuries passed and your people became a great empire ruled by the highest figure: The Inka.
  • Your brothers achieved their purpose by creating a great empire in the Andes, building citadels on the clouds and roads throughout the territories so that other cultures are connected. They brought water everywhere and developed a connection with La Pachamama in order to live in balance.

The Guardian of Time explained to Ayar Manco.

  • However, disunity and greed for power is not alien to the Inkas. Atahualpa and Huascar, your brothers, fought among themselves until they divided the people. And, as was to be expected, less than 200 outsiders, taking advantage of the mysticism of your people, deceived its inhabitants by pretending to be gods and then betrayed and defeated them. It seems an impossible task, but it was not. Your people were weakened in spirit and many were willing to ally themselves with the enemy against a disunited and weakened empire.

Ayar Manco looked surprised at the mysterious being and listened to him attentively, as if he were a child listening to his father telling him a story.

  • They built their temples over the remains of yours, annihilating the beliefs about La Pachamama to place a new God on an altar. They destroyed the Qoricancha, the house of the sun, to build the house of someone they call Jesus.
  • They destroyed the House of the Sun? — asked Ayar Manco in annoyance.
  • That’s right, dear Ayar. The Golden Temple is in ruins. And what is worse, they erased the Inkas from history, murdering each one of your descendants and today only stones remain where once there were citadels.
  • Some were saved thanks to the Pachamama, who was able to cover them and hide them from the invading foreigners.

Ayar Manco, incredulous and confused, denies in his head everything he was hearing. However, the Guardian of Time tells him to take him by the hand so he can see it with his own eyes.

For a moment, he was able to observe everything Tayta was telling him. He saw Francisco Pizarro, conqueror and leader of the Spaniards, behead his brother Huáscar and the Spanish army destroy the temples under the orders of their leader. He could also see the Supreme Priest of the Inkas holding the Golden Solar Disk and fleeing with it from a ruined Qoricancha to head towards the Andes and cross them until he reached Puno. In the Aramu Muru Portal he waited for the full moon to set over the mystical door to cross it with the magical golden instrument capable of dominating the seasons and time.

  • Tayta, now I see everything more clearly! — Ayar Manco exclaimed effusively.
  • I have seen the Priest with the Golden Sun Disc. He can help us go back in time and return home before the betrayal and fall of the Inka Empire. — Ayar Manco continued.
  • That’s right, young Ayar. There is hope if you make the right decisions. Your destiny is not to discover other lands as a simple traveller, but to save the Inka Empire. For this, you must gather the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays who will help you fight and save your people. Together with them you will search for the High Priest, who is the only one capable of reopening the Aramu Muru portal at the right time.

Ayar Manco takes a deep breath and looks towards the horizon, he understands that all his life he prepared for this moment, he salutes the sun and begins to walk.

  • Where are you going? — asks the Guardian of Time.
  • I will go to find the Seven Brothers and together we will save all the children of the sun. — Ayar answered without stopping walking.
  • But do you know where to look for them? — He asked again.
  • There is only one place on earth where they can be. — Ayar Manco answered.

Ayar Manco told him that in Inka mythology there is a place where the masculine energy that fertilizes mother earth Pachamama is born; that after a long flow, the waters are lost in the wild lands of the Amazon to return to fill lakes and glaciers every night converted into the river of stars or Willkamayu, that is to say the Milky Way. And there is only one mountain high enough to almost touch the stars. It is located in the Apu Ausangate, also known as the “creator of the waters”. He was referring to a sacred mountain that no one, up to that moment, had been able to reach the summit. And he ended by saying with conviction, “I will be the first to climb the sacred mountain and touch the stars.”

Of course the Guardian of Time knew very well what Ayar Manco had told him. Satisfied with what he had heard, he pointed to a kind of golden boat and said.

“This will help you travel until you reach Qoyllur Rit’i, a pilgrimage that leads to the foothills of Ausangate.”

Ayar Manco wasted no more time and climbed in to begin to travel the waters of the constellations, in them can be seen figures of animals that are forming and at times it seems that they accompany them on the journey.

As the boat continues to move forward, the stars get in the way and the waters become more abundant. The boat suddenly picks up speed to begin a great descent down a kind of waterfall. Ayar Manco had to hold on very tightly to the boat to avoid falling and, surprised by what was happening, with great force he is pushed to cross a kind of dimension and fall into a river.

The boat goes very fast, zigzagging from left to right, as if it were a snake crawling on the ground, until it makes a great leap into the void and falls shockingly into crystal-clear waters. In the distance, a large door could be seen through which rays of light passed. Ayar Manco knew it was Inti, the Sun God, who was pointing out a large door with small holes through which the rays passed.

The boat stops right in front of it.

Ayar Manco quickly gets off and naturally places his hand on the door. Moments later, the door collapses, throwing him outward, right on the edge of the snow-capped Ausangate.

  • You have finally arrived at the largest and most sacred mountain in Qosqo, Ayar. — A voice announces to the brave young man.
  • Is that you, Tayta?
  • That’s right, Ayar. I am accompanying you on this journey as your protector and guide. Now you will have to find the Qhapaq Ñan. — He was referring to the Inka trail that would help him climb to the top to find the Sacred Temple.

Ayar Manco stares at a rock wall, he stares at it until he exclaims:

  • I know the way, Tayta. If you look closely at the rock wall, you can see that there is a silhouette of a puma pointing south. That is the direction we should take.

Ayar Manco begins to walk for hours, the weather is getting more and more aggressive and it is about 5,000 meters above sea level. Each step becomes more difficult due to lack of oxygen, but there is no time to hesitate, he knows he has to get to the top.

Suddenly, the weather changes drastically, the calm wind turns against him, hail begins to fall on him harder and harder and the Weather Guardian warns Ayar:

Boy, the mountain spirit will test you somehow and you have to be strong, remember that.

Ayar listens attentively to every word, but he can’t imagine what he would see next. It sounds as if lightning strikes the mountain, it looks like an avalanche of earth falling, but in reality it is a rock wall that comes loose, forming a figure of a humanoid that goes straight towards him to ram him.

Ayar remembers the words of his father: Long before the Inkas reigned, there were men in those parts in the form of giants, as large as the figures that were carved in the stones showed.

The giant strikes Ayar and throws him against the rock wall leaving him almost unconscious. The Guardian of Time comes to his defense by taking out a large golden rod and hits him against a rock, this generates a great lightning and shoots with his hands cosmic energy against the giant.

  • I am the supreme Tayta and I order you to stop! — exclaimed the Guardian of Time effusively.

The giant regains his strength and rushes at him again.

Immediately, the Guardian of Time takes his club and thrusts it into the ground and in turn shouts “Intiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”. Automatically, a supernatural force unfolds across the mountain turning night into day for seconds, managing to disintegrate the Guardian of the Mountain and turning him into dust. Ayar Manco was still half unconscious, but he managed to open his eyes and saw the silhouette of the Guardian of Time who took his hand and said:

  • You will need extra energy to get to the summit, Ayar. Take this medicinal pouch with Sacred Seeds. Whenever you feel tired or hurt, take one. See you at the Aramu Muru portal. Remember to explore, to feel, that is the key to everything.

A portal of light unfolds to the sky for seconds then disappears. “Tayta is gone” thinks Ayar Manco. “It’s time to continue along the path.” Ayar Manco, weak from the blow, takes one of the Sacred Seeds and feels a revitalizing energy. Suddenly the wounds heal and the tiredness disappears. He quickly begins to run, in the same style as his brothers the Chasquis, until he reaches the top of the mountain. There he can see the Andes and is amazed by the beautiful mountain range. He kneels down and shouts to the mountain: “Apu Ausangate, I have traveled miles to be at your mercy, I am a son of the Sun willing to do everything for my people, may your spirit illuminate my path and help me to free the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays.”

At that moment, lightning strikes Ayar Manco and the mountain, melting the snow to unveil a sacred huaca called Patallaqta, the original resting place of the mummy of the Inka Pachacuteq. A square surrounded by a wall and with 7 altars where Ayar Manco is able to observe the figures carved in rock of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. He looks at his feet and observes a channel that apparently the water that surrounded the 7 rock figures ran through there. Ayar Manco repeats the words of the Guardian of Time: “Explore to feel… explore to feel…”. He walks around the temple looking for some clue until he finds some drawings carved in rock. In the drawing, an Inka is seen making a blood payment and looking at the sky. Ayar understands everything, to give life to the brothers, the blood of the sun itself is needed for them to awaken. Ayar Manco, without hesitation, takes a sharp rock and cuts himself, placing his blood in the channel. Soon it fills with the red liquid that circulates towards the rock statues.

Ayar Manco falls to his knees and observes that the 7 rocky figures begin to change color, they become golden like the sun until an explosion blinds him and he faints.

Only the blood of the great warrior could wake us up, only your blood could wake us up and now we are here. Open your eyes again, young Ayar, we have come to free your people. — Says a powerful voice that manages to awaken Ayar Manco.

Immediately he manages to recover and raise his eyes to observe the 7 brothers, who are happy to return to the Sacred Valley.

  • We are here to help you. — Says another voice that comes from one of the beings that have just appeared. It has the figure of a flame that became a man.
  • Who are you? — asks Ayar Manco.
  • You must have many questions that will be answered in time. I am Inkarri, the god of the Andean world or one of its many manifestations. Both my brothers and I exist thanks to the power of the Pachamama. She created and shaped us in the Vinicunca, a mountain-shaped rainbow more than 65 million years old. This sacred mountain contains the 7 minerals that Mother Earth gave to each of us as a tribute for us to take care of her. Let’s make a I pay to the land Ayar, together with my brothers, to bless this reunion.

Ayar Manco, surprised, asks.

  • Reunion?
  • Do you think this is the first time we have seen each other? We have fought a thousand battles together against the evil spirits, from the fights in Ayaviri to the great Huascaran. — Incarri explained to him while he took out from a golden bag three coca leaves and a thick colored liquid that seems to be chicha de jora.

Let’s make a circle, brothers, to thank the Pacha for feeling the air and nature again. Let us repeat together these words “Ama Quella, Ama Sua, Ama Llula… Ama Quella, Ama Sua, Ama Llula…”

These words are not foreign to Ayar Manco. They are the three commandments of the spirits of the Andes which means “don’t be lazy, don’t be a thief, don’t be a liar”. The three moral values with which the Inka governed so that justice would prevail.

All together in a circle begin to repeat these words while Inkarri introduces each of his brothers.

  • He has been one of the greatest Inkas, Pacha Mallqui; he is the mummy and reincarnation of Pachacutec who from time immemorial defends your people. Then we have Killa Inti, millenary warrior of the Tiahuanaco culture with the strength of two men in one. Hanaq Pacha is our spiritual guide, since he is considered divine for his approach to the most sacred gods. Ukhu Pacha is the god of the underworld and one of our most powerful brothers. He is the only one who can travel through the different dimensions. Hatun Alqo, our most faithful brother and one of your best friends in times past. He is the spirit of animal life, reincarnation of the hairless dog, caretaker of the houses, shepherd of animals and caretaker of the owner during the most dangerous nights. Finally, Tunupa, our older brother. He was, together with your father Ticsi Wiracocha, in charge of the ordering of the world. In addition to controlling volcanoes and lightning, he has the power over the waters and control of landslides and avalanches.

He ended the presentation marking the direction of the path they were going to undertake and saying: “United we will save the Inka people from the invading outsiders.”

To be continued…

